Big White Winter Blog

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Big White's Water is Some of the Best in the World!

Posted on: September 22, 2020 |

If you’re shopping for groceries before coming up to Big White Ski Resort, here’s a hot tip: don’t buy any bottled water. You might think that it’s a good idea to stock up on clean water before you get here, but what many people don’t realize is that Big White’s tap water is some of the cleanest and freshest available in the world – just as good, if not better, than what you’d find in any supermarket.

So Long, Summer! Another Season Wraps Up at Big White Ski Resort

Posted on: September 08, 2020 | Mountain News

Big White Ski Resort is now officially closed for the summer season. Since opening on July 10, it’s been a fantastic two months of hiking, biking, RVing, and celebrating Mother Nature’s beauty.

Big Air, Little Riders

Posted on: September 01, 2020 | Mountain Biking

How Bike Big White’s Slopestyle Centre is Inspiring the Future Generation of Freeride Mountain Bikers

Staying Connected in a Mountainous Paradise with TELUS PureFibre

Posted on: August 25, 2020 | Mountain News

It goes without saying that in most remote communities, the ability to stay connected to the outside world can be a little frustrating. At Big White Ski Resort, this is not the case. Sure, lots of guests come to unplug, enjoy nature and escape their realities while at the resort – but, for those who are looking to still post that selfie, email their coworker, order take-out, pay bills, watch a movie – Big White’s got your back.

Protect Our Forests! Big White Loves Mother Nature – And You Should, Too

Posted on: August 07, 2020 | In the media

Who doesn’t love a stroll through the forest? Hearing the birds chirp, watching the squirrels jump between trees, feeling the breeze as it whistles through the leaves. Now, imagine, during that stroll, instead of stumbling across a patch of wildflowers, you stumble into a pile of trash. 

Big White Ski Resort: Best Sports Venue & Second Best Tourist Attraction Outside Kelowna

Posted on: July 08, 2020 | In the media

We know Big White is the best – how could we not? An average of 750cm of dry, fluffy Okanagan Champagne Powder in the Winter and fields upon fields of alpine wildflowers in the Summer? Sounds pretty epic to us... and, guess what, the rest of Kelowna seems to think we’re the best, too!

Brown Gold: Tug 6, Big White’s Go-To Coffee, Wins 2 National Awards

Posted on: March 11, 2020 | Food & Dining

Big White would like to congratulate Kelowna-based coffee roaster, Tug 6, on taking home two gold awards at the Hopwired Festival that took place in Vancouver in late February. Tug 6 won "Best Espresso" for its Beach Cruiser Espresso, and “Best Coffee” for its Ethiopian blend.

Try These New Menu Items at Big White Ski Resort

Posted on: March 04, 2020 | Food & Dining

Each week, we'll update this blog with a photo and description of a new dish available at a Big White restaurants. Sign up for our weekly newsletter Snowghost at the bottom of the page to stay in the loop.

Big White to Host its LARGEST Ever Race Event March 1 to 6

Posted on: February 26, 2020 | Mountain News

Over 400 skiers, snowboarders and snow-seekers from across the world will be descending on Big White in early March for the mountain’s largest amateur race event in history. From March 1 to 6, Big White is playing host to the International Airline Ski Federation’s 61st Annual World Airline Ski Championships.

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