Resort Policies

Big White Ski Resort Ltd. is the owner of the following registered trade-marks: in Canada, BIG WHITE SKI VILLAGE, Reg. Num. TMA 228659; BIG WHITE & DESIGN, Reg. Num. TMA 350925; and BIG WHITE, Reg. Num. TMA 448822 and in the United States, BIG WHITE, Reg. Num. 2546131, for a variety of wares and.or services. In addition, Big White Ski Resort Ltd. is the owner of certain common law trade-mark rights with respect to its BIG WHITE family of marks in Canada and internationally and the owner of certain other intellectual property which is protected under copyright, trade-mark or other intellectual property laws. Use of any intellectual property owned by Big White Ski Resort Ltd. without its prior express written consent is strictly prohibited.

Any questions regarding the Trademark Policy should be directed to Senior VP, Michael Ballingall at

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