Weather Forecast
Detailed Forecast
Partly cloudy conditions are expected today, then becoming mostly cloudy with isolated flurries tonight, giving trace to 1 cm of amounts possible, then returning to clear conditions tomorrow. Light ridge winds near 10-20 km/h from W-NW are expected today, then increasing to W-N 15-25 km/h gusting to 30-40 km/h tonight into tomorrow. Freezing levels are expected at valley bottom through tomorrow.
A high pressure dominating the area is expected to bring mainly fair weather today and tomorrow, except a weak disturbance sliding to southeast through east of the area likely to bring a risk of isolated flurries tonight. Light ridge winds are also expected today, then increasing to light-moderate tonight, and lingering tomorrow. Below seasonal temperatures are also expected through tomorrow, with freezing levels at the valley bottom.
3 to 5 Day Outlook
Mainly clear and dry conditions are expected to continue through most of the outlook period, with freezing levels at the valley bottom as well. Below-seasonal temperatures are expected to continue Tuesday and Wednesday, then slightly warming Thursday. Light ridge winds are also expected throughout the outlook period.
Resort Elevations:
Valley Base (City of Kelowna) - 344m (1,128 ft)
Bottom of Gem Lake Express – 1,511m (4,957 ft)
Village Centre – 1,755m (5,757 ft)
Summit – 2,319m (7,606 ft)
Smoking of any kind (including tobacco, marijuana, e-cigarettes and vaporizers) is strictly prohibited anywhere on Big White Ski Resort property outside of designated smoking areas. Applies to summer and winter seasons. Mountain Safety Info >>