Get Fit For Ski Season: Legs

Posted On: November 24, 2016 |
It's time to get those legs ready for skiing and snowboarding! Your guide to pre-season fitness by certified personal trainer and Ski School instructor Paula Buchanan.


There’s always a bit of lag time in the early snow season where we feel like Bambi on ice. Luckily, if you train specifically for your sport, you will be able to catch up to where you left off last season quicker than if you hadn’t trained. You’ll also be able to avoid the dreaded dead legs, aches and pains that you get your first week on snow.

In skiing and snowboarding, we spend a lot of time moving through hip and knee flexion and extension. Our quadriceps, hamstrings and glute muscles will be doing a lot of the work. Below are some exercises to prepare your muscles for the demands that they will go through on-snow.


A good old-fashioned squat, either with weights or bodyweight, is a great exercise to work your quads, hamstrings and glutes.

For people who are new to exercising, start on a solid surface. Otherwise, increase the difficulty and challenge of the squat by performing it on an uneven surface. This is a great way to challenge your balance and develop core stability and strength. Practice by just standing on the ball side of a bosu, work up to doing squats (working hard to maintain flat feet, with knees bending in the same direction as toes).

Take it to the next level:
Once you can perform 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions easily on the ball side of the bosu, you can increase the challenge once more by flipping over the bosu and performing your repetitions while balancing on the platform side.

         Bosu 1          Squat 2

Step Ups

Step-ups are amazing exercises for your glute muscles and quadriceps. Go for 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions on each leg.

Take it to the next level:
You can use dumbbells to weight your step up.

Step Up 1          Step Up 2

Box Jumps

For an increased challenge and to incorporate some cardiovascular training, try a box jump.

Start flat footed with leg joints slightly bent. Jump with two feet onto a crate, small bench or sturdy wooden box. Always remember to land with “soft joints” when jumping. This means bend your knees and hips to absorb the impact of the jump upon landing. Try 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions.

Box Jump 1          Box Jump 2

Hip Extensions

These exercises primarily work your hamstrings and glute muscles. To engage my hamstrings through knee flexion, I keep my heels dug firmly into the bench or chair, with my toes pointed to the ceiling. Move through 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions, fully extending your hips and creating a “plank” position from your knee to your torso. Keep the weight on your shoulders while moving through the hip extension to avoid injury to your neck.

Hip 1          Hip 2

Spin & barre

Get a great cardio workout, improve flexibility and strengthen muscles by taking Spin or Barre classes. This season, Big White is offering season passholders two-for-one Spin/Barre classes in conjuction with RYDERS Spin-Barre. Click here to get the deal.


You can book ski lessons with Paula this season by contacting the Ski School:

Direct: (250) 491-6101    Toll Free: 1-866-491-9040    Email:



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