Trevor Hendy visits Big White Ski Resort
Trevor is a former professional surf lifesaver that has won the Australian Ironman Championship six times. Having retired from surf lifesaving, Trevor is now a life coach, motivational speaker, author and personal trainer.
Trevor and his family have been in Big White since the end of December and have been lucky enough to enjoy the enormous amounts of Okanagan Champagne Powder we've had in the new year.
The Hendy family have also had the opportunity to enjoy an ice hockey game, attending the Kelowna Rockets v Vancouver Giants at Prospera Place in Kelowna on January 7th. It was a fast-paced, exciting game, with the Rockets managing a 4-2 victory over the Giants.
The Hendys aren't the only Australian family to be visiting Big White this season. Over 400 Australians arrived at Big White last weekend, just in time for their fresh dose of Okanagan Champagne Powder on Monday. They will all be staying for a week or two, enjoying the winter wonderland at their doorsteps.
One of our returning families, the Drydens, were sailing on Port Phillip Bay in Melbourne, Australia earlier this week, enjoying 38-degree weather. They caught the last plane out of Melbourne to get to Big White; hours later, they were stepping onto a tarmac covered in snow. And all within 48 hours!
Welcome to all our Australian visitors - thanks for coming all that way to spend time with us here at Big White Ski Resort!