Big White News: The Great Northern Concrete Toboggan Race
Posted On: January 24, 2015 |
There was chanting, singing and last-minute engineering modifications. That's right - The Great Northern Concrete Toboggan Race came to Big White Ski Resort for one fun-filled morning of tobogganing in Happy Valley. Over 400 engineering students from all over Canada and the US came along to join the challenge of who could build the best toboggan. There was one major rule - only the concrete parts of the toboggan could touch the snow.
17 teams competed in the race, which saw plenty of spills as well as plenty of speed. At the end of the day, it all turned out to be a battle of Calgary. The Southern Institute of Technology (SAIT) were up against the University of Calgary, with the latter taking out the top prize for race day.
Congratulations to all participants and we hope to see you again soon!
Check out some of the photos from the day and see if you can pick some of the toboggan themes - there was 101 Dalmations and Indiana Jones, to name a couple...