BWFD, the Cowboy & the Community Clean Up Day

Posted On: June 18, 2014 |


The Big White, Beaverdell and Grand Forks Fire Departments did some wildland structure fire protection training here at Big White. The Gondola Drive Station served as the 'structure' and Bullet Creek provided the water. Fire fighters learned how to set up sprinkler patterns, set up pumps in creeks and theory about wildland fires.

The timing of the training was very appropriate as thunder storms were rolling through the region with lightning! To report a wild fire in BC call 1-800-663-5555 or *5555 or 911.


The members of the BWFD participating in the training with both the new Work Experience Program members (WEP) and new recruits to the department. For some of them, this was the first time they had every been exposed to wild fire training.

fire prevent


June 21st is the Annual Community Clean Up Day!  We will be meeting at The Globe Restaurant at 10:00 am. After the clean up there will be a BBQ for all participants. Remember to wear sturdy shoes and bring work gloves! Everyone is welcome. Laughing

On your drive to Big White you may have noticed a cowboy cut out in a clear cut...... One of our carpenters made the cowboy, and attached him to a tree. Every cowboy has a story, and ours just got a bit more interesting. We noticed that the cowboy was missing; we assumed (incorrectly) that he had been moved. After a few phone calls, and a few conversations, the cowboy was found and returned to the carpentry shop. The cowboy received a fresh coat of paint, and is back up. So passengers, keep an eye out for the cowboy, he will be moved every couple of months. Drivers, keep your eyes on the road! Let us know when you see the cowboy!


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